Popular Social Media Platforms in 2022

Humans are social animals and that means that they need to socialize to survive on planet Earth. Interaction is essential for all human beings; this is how they exchange their thoughts and emotions with each other. The world is changing and technology is taking over; according to research done for history by writing and SEO company services; first people used to live in caves and did not know how to communicate, they drew symbols of what they saw and socialized among themselves. The time changed, and people started talking and writing. The way of socializing changed with time. As technology grew, people came up with new inventions. They made communication easier day by day and this helped them in socializing.

The inventions such as the Internet; came into being only to create ease in communication so that they could socialize well. First, people wrote letters, and later they switched to electronic mail. This not only helped in socializing personally but also helped in carrying out business activities. Trading became easier.

The Internet provides endless socializing opportunities. Internet eliminated distances and brought everyone closer. People now can see what is happening around the world. It helped the world to globalize. A person sitting in the extreme West can know what is happening in the East and the people sitting in the East can easily know what is happening in the West. The people are exchanging languages, cultures, traditions, etc. There are infinite platforms that are used by the people to socialize, the most famous and most used ones include;

Social Media Platforms


This social media platform is one of the American social media platforms. The founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook is purely a social networking site that is available in 111 languages. There are more than 2.50 billion active users.  It was launched 16 years ago. Facebook is one of the creative interfaces that allow people to fully socialize with each other. The site was first developed to entertain the students of Harvard. However, it spread among more universities and then worldwide. Later, the Facebook application was also developed. Facebook allows its users to send friend requests, post statuses, photos, and videos, post comments, create groups, carry out watch parties, etc. One of the most positive factors about Facebook is that it lets the people decide who to restrict and with whom to share. The site takes extra care of the privacy of the users. This is why people prefer Facebook mostly. Before Facebook; Orkut was one of the famous websites but it did not provide security and privacy to the users, this is why the users moved on and found Facebook more creative and easy in all ways.


Twitter is an American-based website, which also has its own application. Twitter was developed for Microblogging which means that people can post statuses called tweets. The tweets are short and to the point. People mainly use Twitter to discuss political issues and spread awareness of what is going on around the world. The hashtags play an important role in Twitter. The hashtags are a creative way to highlight tweets. It is used for social networking.  The creators are Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Even Williams. Twitter was created 14 years ago. The languages used in creating the site are Java, Ruby Scala, and JavaScript. The site has more than 321 million active users.


Snapchat is an American multimedia application. The application is used to send videos that disappear in 10-60 seconds if sent personally and the video statuses stay for 24 hours. The Snapchat application provides a platform where people can creatively post video updates. It is available in 32 languages. Snapchat offers options like calling, video calling, texting, etc. The privacy of the user is the topmost priority. The application sends notifications if someone takes screenshots of the chat, videos, or video updates.


Instagram is an American-based application that is used to post photo and video updates. The people follow each other. The creators are Keving Storm and Mike Krieger. Instagram is one of the most interesting social media platforms because it lets people create blogs where they share pictures and videos of their daily routine, the things they eat, the activities they do, the brands they buy, etc. Instagram has this concept of having influencers who attract people by their art, lifestyle, talents, etc. Instagram was created 9 years ago in 2010. It is available in 32 languages.


Tiktok is a China-based application that allows people to post video updates. These video updates consist of songs in the background. People act out or sing along and post their talent. It is available in 40 languages. It was created in 2012 by Zhang Yiming. It has more than 1 billion active users.

Socializing is highly essential and this is why the Internet keeps on providing platforms to people so that they can socialize with each other and the future holds a lot more advancements for people.

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